Barke® Pilsner Malt - Weyermann (55 lb)
Weyermann® Barke® Pilsner malt is perfect for creating authentic lager beer styles. It enhances body and mouthfeel substantially in the finished beer while imparting intense malt aromas. What also sets Barke® Pilsner malt apart is its excellent process characteristics in the brew-house and during filtration, coupled with increased extract efficiency.
Suitable for Pilsners, Bavarian Helles, Lagers of various styles and Kellerbier.
Made from the finest German two-row historical summer brewing barley Barke®. The long-loved characteristic malt aroma of Barke® is the perfect base for intensly flavourful bright lager beers. This results in an excellent body and a pronounced full-bodiedness.
Sensory: pronounced malt aromas with underlying toffee notes; pleasant, soft mouthfeel.
Heirloom malt for malt-forward beer styles, typically for:
- Pale Lager; American (Light) Lager, Munich Helles, Festbier, German Leichtbier, Dortmunder Export, Kellerbier (Pale Kellerbier), India Pale Lager
- Pilsener; German Pilsener, American Pilsener
- Amber Lager; Franconian Red Beer
- Strong Lager; Imperial Pilsener
- Bock; Light Bock, Dark Bock, Light Doppelbock
- Pale Ale; British Mild, Belgian Blond Ale, Trappist Single, Session Pale Ale, English Summer Ale
- IPA; Session IPA
- Amber Ale; Scottish Light, Heavy and Export
- Strong Ale; British Strong Ale
- Wheat Beer; Gose
Recommended addition: up to 100%
Enzyme activity: high
2.5 – 4.5 EBC
1.4 – 2.1 Lovibond