Kegerator Line Cleaning Kit with Star San (32 oz) & PBW (1 lb)
Pump activated line cleaning kit for use with Sanke (commercial) kegerator systems. Easy to use and a great way to keep your kegerator lines spotlessly clean. It's recommended that you clean your lines between each keg to ensure no stale beer product makes it's way into your glass.
PBW stands for Powder Brewery Wash, which is a non-hazardous buffered alkaline brewery cleaner. It is the cleaner of choice for many breweries where it out performs more hazardous caustic chemicals without removing the flesh off your bones. It will not corrode soft metals. Standard dilution is at a rate of 1 ounce to one gallon of water.
Star San is an acid-based, no rinse sanitizer and the most popular sanitizing product available to homebrewers.
Usage: Use only one ounce per 5 gallons of water. (6ml per gallon)